David fan Sandy Pötschke shares her story of making a difference with her first race…


“Hello, I am Sandy and I will make soon my first race of my life! I call that race: “Race Of Emotions”! Why? This race is like my life full from emotions and this race it´s also full of emotions. I will run for David Hasselhoff and Hayley Roberts because this both gave me for a long time courage to doing whatever I want, I will run for The Hoff Army the best guys ever because without this Hoff Army I had never so much great friends. I will also run for RetroTales because this guy inspired me so much he is a good artist and he goes a good way, I will also run for Ethan, a little strong boy which is heavy ill. He is 4 years old and such an amazing boy! I will then run for Anja Wrobel, also a girl with handicaps and she is so strong she can good handle her illness! And of course I run for myself I want stay and say: Yeah that´s I am right now. Thank you dear God for all that what you give me every day matter it´s positiv or negative. It´s my way!! I love you guys and gals and now let´s hope that I am not the first person from behind by this race!…Ha Ha! ;-)”

The race will take place on Saturday, September 14th…we wish you all the best Sandy! 🙂

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