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Pamela Susan Shoop Interview (October 20, 2004) - THANK YOU Pamela for your kind interview!

Hoff Online: Out of all the roles you have played, which one would you say was the most challenging?

Pamela Susan Shoop: That's a hard question to answer...because roles are challenging in different ways. "Empire of the Ants" was an extremely difficult shoot because we spent so much time in the Everglades in mud and bugs and sugar cane fields. On top of that, it was shot over Thanksgiving and Christmas, so it was hard being away from family. "Halloween II" was difficult because of the nudity.

Hoff Online: Out of the two episodes you did on Knight Rider, Knight Of The Phoenix and Knight Of The Juggernaught, which one did you enjoy working on the most?

Pamela Susan Shoop I enjoyed them both for different reasons...I think I'd have to say Juggernaut, because of the location shooting in Chicago and because my role was more complex. However, I prefer Phoenix as an episode, and my character in that show was wonderful.

Hoff Online: What was a tyical day on the Knight Rider set like?

Pamela Susan Shoop: Very professional...of course, there's a lot riding on a pilot episode, (Phoenix), and everyone was conscious of bringing the show in on schedule and running a tight ship. David made everything such fun - he's such a wonderful guy - and by the time we got to Chicago for Juggernaut, the show just seemed to flow by itself! I think the key is the star of the show, and David set the tone for everyone else.

Hoff Online: What do you like best about being an actress?

Pamela Susan Shoop: EVERYTHING! I love to create a character; I love the work, the hours - even getting up early! - the auditions...everything. To me, it's always been my "business" - it's what I do for a living. I've treated it that way, and I think that's helped me be successful for so long.

Hoff Online : What was it like working with David Hasselhoff?

Pamela Susan Shoop: Well, as I said, he's just so funny! He can really make you laugh...but he's also sensitive and a truly giving actor. He works "with" you in every scene, and gives alot during your close-ups. Some actors don't bother, but he is very easy to play opposite.

Hoff Online: How often do you go back and watch movies and TV shows that you did?

Pamela Susan Shoop Whenever they're on TV! I have a closet full of cassettes, but I rarely put them in. Someday, I will take a weekend and watch them all!

Hoff Online: What was it like working on a horror movie set?

Pamela Susan Shoop: Difficult. It was not terribly different from working on any set as far as shooting goes; however, many of the locations and gore made it more difficult for me.

Hoff Online: What is your favorite scene in Knight Of The Phoenix?

Pamela Susan Shoop: I loved them all! Probably the scene in my apartment with David and my son.

Hoff Online: What is your favorite scene in Knight Of The Juggernaught?

Pamela Susan Shoop: The scene where David finds me after I've been attacked.

Hoff Online: Do you get to see your castmates from previous movies and TV shows from time to time?

Pamela Susan Shoop: Not too often...I've become friends with some of them, but usually, we just work together and move on. Especially, when you're on location, people become very close. But when you wrap, you go back to your own lives.

Hoff Online: What's the best thing about working in film and TV?

Pamela Susan Shoop: The challenge of the work...it's more difficult than you would think.

Hoff Online: I wanted to thank you again for doing the video message for my website and also for taking the time to come to the Knight Nationals.

Pamela Susan Shoop: It was nice to meet you at Nationals, Natalie...I remember you and your mom very well... hope this interview is okay...take good care of yourselves, and have a wonderful Fall!

"Knight Rider Guest Star" Pamela Susan Shoop Interview Copyright © 2004 davidhasselhoffonline.com - Please visit Pamela's Official site here: pamelasusanshoop.com