Jerry Springer, A Special Friend

Jerry Springer, A Special Friend

Jerry Springer was a great friend, GREAT. I never thought I would lose a special friend who actually subbed for me as Captain Hook in the Wimbledon pantomime. He was a terrific, terrific person and I am saddened by his passing. What becomes of a broken heart 💔

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Trainline Travel Like The Hoff Contest

Trainline Travel Like The Hoff Contest

All aboard the Hoff train! I’ve partnered with Trainline, Europe’s leading platform for train tickets, on the search for their first-ever Chief Conductor. One lucky traveler will have the chance to win an epic rail adventure across Europe using an itinerary inspired...

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Thanks to my fans around the world I can look back on an exceptional career in show business and there is much more to come! It is high time to give back the gratitude and fun that you bring me every day. I cordially invite you to this unique fan event with GEO Reisen: “David Hasselhoff – The Official World Fan Cruise”. I am looking forward to cruise the Mediterrean Sea on the Costa Favolosa along with my fans from Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australia! I will be on board throughout the journey and cannot wait to spend unforgettable days with you!
Book Now At georeisen.com/hasselhoff

Exclusive Fan Package
Concert, GetTogether, Autograph session
Event evening “David in Person” in the large Theater
David is on board with you for the duration of the cruise, Many fan moments more…

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