Watch video…Rock your socks HOFF! Hosted by the legend himself – David Hasselhoff. The Sevens Kickoff Concert will feature Scottish Rockers ‘The Proclaimers’ and ABBA tribute band ‘Björn Again’. Tickets now available at – for just HK$199. #hk7s #wheretheworldcomestoplay

HOFF Coming to HKSEVENS Week!

Rock your socks HOFF!Hosted by the legend himself – David Hasslehoff. The Sevens Kickoff Concert will feature Scottish Rockers 'The Proclaimers' and ABBA tribute band 'Björn Again'. Tickets now available at – for just HK$199.#hk7s #wheretheworldcomestoplay

Posted by Hong Kong Sevens on Friday, March 18, 2016