Chilling with @DavidHasselhoff in Berlin. Getting ready for our re:publica keynote tomorrow. #rp14
— Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) May 5, 2014
More behind-the-scenes pictures with The Hoff available via Younited Events for re:publica:
— Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) May 5, 2014
“The Manifesto starts May 6th at Re:Publica in Berlin with Hypponen and Hasselhoff…It will all start at re:publica, Berlin, where F-Secure’s Mikko Hyppönen, world-renowned security and privacy expert, will join with Freedome Ambassador David Hasselhoff to discuss the defining issues of today: digital freedom and privacy. They’ll also announce an exciting way you can make your voice heard. Meet and tweet us on Twitter @FSecure, @FreedomeVPN, @mikko and @DavidHasselhoff with the hashtags #fsecure #digitalfreedom. Stay tuned, more will follow!” Via –